Prince Buster

Jamaica Prince Buster

Album’s Overview
#1 prince-buster-i-feel-the-spirit.jpg 1963 [12, 35:36] Prince Buster - I Feel The Spirit (Blue Beat BBLP-802) studio • new music 7.46 “Really good” Ska / Rocksteady
#2 prince-buster-ska-lip-soul.jpg 1965 [12, 29:10] Prince Buster - Ska-Lip-Soul (Blue Beat BBLP-805) studio • new music 6.63 “Good” Caribbean; Ska / Rocksteady
#3 prince-buster-all-stars-its-burkes-law.jpg 1965 [12, 34:29] Prince Buster All Stars - It’s Burkes Law (Blue Beat BBLP-806) studio • new music 6.27 “Decent enough” Ska / Rocksteady
#4 the-prince-buster-all-stars-what-a-hard-man-fe-dead.jpg 1967 [12, 36:04] The Prince Buster All Stars - What A Hard Man Fe Dead (Blue Beat BBLP-807) studio • new music 6.81 “Good” Ska / Rocksteady
#5 prince-buster-judge-dread-rock-steady.jpg 1967 [12, 36:26] Prince Buster - Judge Dread Rock Steady (Blue Beat BBLP-809) studio • new music 7.13 “Really good” Ska / Rocksteady
#6 prince-buster-she-was-a-rough-rider.jpg 1968 [12, 34:15] Prince Buster - She Was A Rough Rider (Blue Beat BBLP-820) studio • new music 8.22 “Excellent” Reggae; Ska / Rocksteady
#7 prince-buster-the-message-dubwise.jpg 1972 [10, 28:38] Prince Buster - The Message Dubwise (Fab MS-7) studio • new music 5.10 “Below average” Reggae
#8 prince-buster-sister-big-stuff.jpg 1972 [12, 38:10] Prince Buster - Sister Big Stuff (Melodisc MLP-12-156) studio • new music 5.38 “Below average” Reggae
#9 prince-buster-big-five.jpg 1972 [12, 33:22] Prince Buster - Big Five (Melodisc MLP-12-157) studio • new music / compilation 6.58 “Good” Reggae
date.png 19-Oct-2018
notes.png The end. Died 2016, aged 78.

prince-buster-fly-flying-ska.jpg 1964 [12, 33:20] Prince Buster - Fly Flying Ska (Blue Beat BBLP-803) studio • compilation 6.94 “Good” Ska / Rocksteady
prince-buster-pain-in-my-belly.jpg 1965 [12, 35:14] Prince Buster - Pain In My Belly (Blue Beat BBLP-804) studio • compilation 6.83 “Good” Ska / Rocksteady
prince-buster-sings-his-hit-song-ten-commandments.jpg 1967 [11, 30:05] Prince Buster - Sings His Hit Song Ten Commandments (RCA Victor LPM-3792) studio • compilation 6.93 “Good” Ska / Rocksteady
prince-buster-wreck-a-pum-pum.jpg 1968 [12, 31:53] Prince Buster - Wreck-A-Pum-Pum (Blue Beat BBLP-821) studio • new music / compilation 7.73 “Brilliant” Ska / Rocksteady; Reggae
prince-buster-tutti-frutti.jpg 1968 [12, 41:28] Prince Buster - Tutti Frutti (Fab ‎MS-6) studio • compilation 8.50 “A classic” Ska / Rocksteady
prince-buster-the-outlaw.jpg 1969 [12, 37:07] Prince Buster - The Outlaw (Fab BBLP-822) studio • new music / compilation 6.56 “Good” Reggae; Ska / Rocksteady
prince-buster-dance-cleopatra-dance.jpg 1972 [13, 42:18] Prince Buster - Dance Cleopatra Dance (Blue Elephant ‎BE 811.001-H) studio • reworkings / new music
prince-buster-fabulous-greatest-hits.jpg 1993 [24, 00:00] Prince Buster - Fabulous Greatest Hits 0.000.png (review pending upload) (Sequel Records NEX-CD-253) studio • compilation
prince-buster-rock-a-shacka-vol-5-dance-cleopatra.jpg 2003 [15, 44:48] Prince Buster - Rock A Shacka, Vol. 5ː Dance Cleopatra 0.000.png (review pending upload) (Drum & Bass Records UPCH-1261) studio • compilation
notes.png Random list, no intention to be complete.


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