“Analengo” by Papa Wemba et L’Orchestre Viva La Musica - album review

features in: Album Chart of 1980Album Chart of the Decade: 1980s

TJR says

The dapper Papa Wemba was a man on a mission at this time, and the 41-year-old Congolesian, like so many of his peers, had recently re-located to Paris in an attempt to broaden the support base for his positive musical message - hold your head up, look good and dance! With a little help from Franco Luambo's Parisian circle, this LP features re-recordings of Wemba's home grown singles; “Analengo” (1980), “Aïssa Na Zoé” (1978), “Mère Supérieure” (1977) and “Ngonda”, the latter of which was written by his friend and fellow singer, Kester Emeneya. A solid offering from start to finish.

The Jukebox Rebel

A1 [05:46] 6.8.png Papa Wemba et L’Orchestre Viva La Musica - Analengo (Jules Shungu Wembadio Pene Kikumba) Africana
A2 [07:44] 7.2.png Papa Wemba et L’Orchestre Viva La Musica - Aïssa Na Zoé (Jules Shungu Wembadio Pene Kikumba) Africana
B1 [06:42] 7.6.png Papa Wemba et L’Orchestre Viva La Musica - Mère Supérieure (Jules Shungu Wembadio Pene Kikumba) Africana
B2 [08:17] 7.2.png Papa Wemba et L’Orchestre Viva La Musica - Ngonda (Jean-Baptiste Emeneya Mubiala) Africana
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